Strings in Java

A Java String contains an immutable sequence of Unicode characters. Unlike C/C++, where string is simply an array of char, A Java String is an object of the class java.lang.

Java String is, however, special. Unlike an ordinary class:

String is associated with string literal in the form of double-quoted texts such as "Hello, world!". You can assign a string literal directly into a String variable, instead of calling the constructor to create a String instance.

The '+' operator is overloaded to concatenate two String operands. 

String is immutable. That is, its content cannot be modified once it is created. For example, the method toUpperCase() constructs and returns a new String instead of modifying the its existing content.


How to create String object?

There are two ways to create String object:

By string literal

By new keyword

By String Literal

Java String literal is created by using double quotes. For Example:

String s="welcome";  

By new keyword

String s=new String("Welcome"); 

String literal vs new Keyword

As mentioned, there are two ways to construct a string: implicit construction by assigning a string literal or explicitly creating a String object via the new operator and constructor. For example,

String s1 = "Hello";              // String literal

String s2 = "Hello";              // String literal

String s3 = s1;                   // same reference

String s4 = new String("Hello");  // String object

String s5 = new String("Hello");  // String object

Java has provided a special mechanism for keeping the String literals - in a so-called string common pool. If two string literals have the same contents, they will share the same storage inside the common pool. This approach is adopted to conserve storage for frequently-used strings. On the other hand, String objects created via the new operator and constructor are kept in the heap. Each String object in the heap has its own storage just like any other object. There is no sharing of storage in heap even if two Stringobjects have the same contents.

You can use the method equals() of the String class to compare the contents of two Strings. You can use the relational equality operator '==' to compare the references (or pointers) of two objects. Study the following codes:

s1 == s1;         // true, same pointer

s1 == s2;         // true, s1 and s1 share storage in common pool

s1 == s3;         // true, s3 is assigned same pointer as s1

s1.equals(s3);    // true, same contents

s1 == s4;         // false, different pointers

s1.equals(s4);    // true, same contents

s4 == s5;         // false, different pointers in heap

s4.equals(s5);    // true, same contents

Important Notes:

In the above example, I used relational equality operator '==' to compare the references of two String objects. This is done to demonstrate the differences between string literals sharing storage in the common pool and String objects created in the heap. It is a logical error to use (str1 == str2) in your program to compare the contents of two Strings.

String can be created by directly assigning a String literal which is shared in a common pool. It is uncommon and not recommended to use the new operator to construct a String object in the heap.

Java String class methods

The java.lang.String class provides many useful methods to perform operations on sequence of char values.